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Version 1.3.11
RTF to HTML converter
for PHP 5 and 7 (including 7.2)
requires ionCube Loader
Converting RTF Files to HTML Using RTF to HTML converter
RTF to HTML Converter is a PHP based utility which allows you to convert RTF documents into HTML code. The code produced can then be directly output to a web page or saved to a HTML file. The converter can also produce simple HTML from plain text (Plain text to HTML converter).
The converter supports conversion including fonts, colours (including background colours), special characters, hyper-links etc.
RTF documents
RTF is a simple multi-platform document format (usually with the extension .rft), with built in support by Windows, Macintosh and most Unix based systems.
Unlike HTML, RTF offers its users the ability to write documents with little or no previous knowledge. With its simple formatting system you can create elegant articles without the need of complex word processing packages such as Microsoft Word.
Web based documents
RTF is used extensively for documentation for applications and utilities, especially under Macintosh OS X and as such, having to convert all these documents to HTML before publishing on the web can be very time consuming and very error prone.
This is where having a dynamic converter can make life a lot easier. You just output the converted RTF text directly to the web page.
If you store your documents online for your clients to download, you can very easily offer the option for them to also view them online, in the end, you will probably find that very few clients will actually download the documents, you may also find that offering an online option leads to your clients actually reading the documents.
Having an online option also means that your clients are viewing the latest and most up to date version of the document.
Who should use the converter
Basically anyone who runs a web site and has documents they want to show online.
The converter can be used by anyone who can run PHP scripts on their web site. Conversion can be performed with no knowledge of PHP if using the simple conversion functions.
Our web site based converter can offer a simple single function output for an RTF file (or RTF text stream), or the powerful class based system, for more control over the output.
If you find making certain web pages awkward, specifically when the page is basically information e.g. a privacy policy or your terms and conditions (which are very rarely written in HTML by a lawyer), then creating it in RTF and converting it to HTML, simplifies the whole process and makes the integration simple.
You could even use the converter to make the basic web page, when the initial rough design was made as a text document.
Why not just use Microsoft Word?
Although Word can convert RTF into HTML it usually requires extra editing afterwards, it also has the major disadvantage of not being dynamic.
Plain text conversion
Although most browsers can output plain text files (usually with the extension .txt), they always use a mono-spaced font of a pre-defined size. This is fine for some documents but as you can not use any HTML around the text, users would not even know the text was from your site. There is also the problem with special characters which would not be converted.
You could also use the <pre> element, but again this would output the text as mono-spaced and would not convert the special characters.

This is where the Plain text to HTML converter helps. Does not use a mono-spaced font, allows you to define the font, can use special characters such as β and the resulting HTML can be used anywhere.
The conversion will also convert URLs embedded in the text to hyper-links (this can be disabled).

Benefits of using RTF to HTML converter
 •  Dynamic or static conversion.
 •  Simple to install and use.
 •  Efficient conversion.
 •  Supports fonts, colours (including background colours), special characters, hyper-links etc.
 •  Supports tables.
 •  Converts plain text to HTML (Plain text to HTML converter).
 •  Dynamic documents can not be linked to without clients actually coming to your site.
 •  Ensures clients frequently return to your site.
 •  Unlimited e-mail support.

'RTF to HTML does all the hard work for you'
This page was even created with RTF to HTML converter.
Download the RTF here to compare the results.

Try RTF to HTML converter online

Paste your RTF file contents here and click 'Show conversion' to view the results in another window.


Try Plain text to HTML converter online

Paste your plain text file contents here and click 'Show conversion' to view the results in another window.


Or select the RTF/plain text file for upload

File to upload: 
Please note:
Upload only files that end in '.rtf', '.txt' with a maximum size of 64KB.

Request a trial for your web server

If you find the online demo too restrictive, we can supply you with a time limited trial for your web server, so that you can test for compatibility and suitability.
All we require is that you supply us with your e-mail address and the host name of the web server you will be using.
Please note: The trial is customised to your host and can therefore take a few hours to be delivered.


Purchase RTF to HTML converter for your web server

All we require is that you supply us with the host name of the web server you will be using, before you checkout.
Please note: The software is customised to your host and can therefore take a few hours to be delivered.

Prices for a single web server are *: £19.50 (GBP),€25.50 (Euro),$32.50 (USD)  
Prices for each extra web server are: £10.00 (GBP),€12.50 (Euro),$16.50 (USD)  
* The single server license also includes a development server license.

New features in version 1.3.11
• Moved to PHP 5 as the minimum.
• SetFont now defaults to no font.
• GetOutput is now required to get the output buffer and GetErrors is used to return the error array.
• SetOutput now defaults to HTML.
• Added support for line spacing.
• Added the option to state the license path either as a variable or a define.
• Added the method GetRawOutput (for HTML only).

Version 1.2.11
• Fixed a color table index issue.
• Fixed an file ouptut permissions issue.
• Fixed a possible modifier stack problem.

Version 1.2.10
• Fixed a font index issue that could result in an empty result.
• Fixed a header and footer issue.

Version 1.2.9
• Added support for an output level so simple output can be created.
• Fixed issues with Russian, Polish and Eastern European character sets.
• Fixed an issue with hyphenation control words.

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QS Disclaimer 4.7.17 is now available. This version fixes an issue with Exchange 2019 and Windows 2019.

RTF to HTML converter 1.3.11 is now available. This version adds line spacing and raw output.

Disc Image Professional 2.3.1 is now available. This upgrade adds multi-user support and fixes a Vista mount issue.

MSAD Login 3.1.0 is now available. This version includes TLS and Kerberos support.

Archive SE 1.1.5 is now available. This upgrade adds support for Tar and BZip2.

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